Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dragon Age II

PC gamers have been up in arms about this game since its release, yet alot of Console gamers are championing it as one of the few game sequels that are better than the original. However, the actual quality of the game goes far deeper than either of the views from each side. What dragon age II definitely is, is an example of how if you change just ONE thing between games, you're alienating someone who loved the original.

Dragon Age II follows the story of Hawke, an emigrant to Kirkwall, having escaped his hometown of Lothering during the Blight (as seen in Dragon Age: Origins). The game is presented in the fashion of a framed narrative by way of one of Hawkes companions, Varric. It tells the tale of Hawke as he rises from emigrant in a new land, to Champion of Kirkwall. It spans many years, and the city of Kirkwall, as well as it's political state are both main focuses of the story, as well as the adventures of the Champion.

Many who missed out on DA: Origins might be left a little bit out in the cold when it comes to the greater history of this world, however DA2 isn't as wordly as Origins. DAII presents a more personal story, and the character growth benefits greatly for it. The actual story style is one that's not explored often in games, and it presents opportunites for the narrator (Varric) to embellish parts of the story a little bit. It makes for one or two hilarious sections, as well as an awesome tutorial, which gives us a peek at the fully levelled Hawke.

Anyone who played Dragon Age: Origins on a console will be pleased to hear that DA2 recieved a massive graphical overhaul. Instead of looking like something from the PS2generation, Dragon Age II is one of the better looking games of this generation. Aside from the typical stare that characters get during conversations, all the faces and animations look realistic and believable.

The music is fairly epic, though maybe not as epic as Origins, and the voice acting has taken a big step forward. Hawkes voice is really cool, as are his companions. My personal favourite was Anders when he goes a little nuts.
The setting of the game, Kirkwall, is interesting and varied, despite being made with a metric fuckton of beige rock. The Lowtown market and Hightown market look distinct, but revisited areas such as sewers, caves and dungeons all look the same. Its a shame that such a good looking game repeats so many lackluster environments.

The biggest changes to the formula come here. PC gamers are hit hardest by the lackluster camera for more tactical playing, whereas console players are treated to a more fast paced game. Tactical playing is still a huge focusw, but strangely enough, it feels more fluid on the Console, as opposed to the PC version. Another cut feature is the ability to customize other companions' attire, although their outfits can be upgraded. A large list of weapons and armour remain, solely for the benefit of Hawke, who can be male or female; rogue, mage or warrior.

The customization choices are fewer than in Origins, but thats because this is Hawke's story, not all of Fereldon's. As Hawke's story, one feature remains the same, through all the legends: He/she was Human. Conversation's also play a big part in Dragon Age 2, and instead of having a list of options like in Origins; DA2 makes use of the Dialogue Wheel from Bioware's other awesome RPG, Mass Effect 2.
Alot of the story comes down to the decisions Hawke makes during conversation, and it's cool to see that your impact is so huge.

Crafting has almost been taken out completely, which I dont mind too much as I didn't use it. Romances remain, and are a little bit easier to plan; and there is no lack of quests for Hawke to embark upon. I do have to say though, that DA2 is rather difficult. Not AS difficult as Origins, but it hasn't gotten soft either.

Dragon Age II offers numerous choices and decisios in the story that lead to new quests, new equipment and multiple endings. Its entirely possible to play through this game 2 or 3 times almost entirely differently. As a Bioware game, you can pretty much be sure that there will be a lot of DLC to back up this already huge game.

While not as huge as Origins in many ways, Dragon Age II streamlines things to a degree where I can't honestly complain about too much. Yes, the dungeons etc. are repeated way too much, but the combat is a lot faster paced which almost completely made up for it for me. And while I did enjoy the entire world encompassing story of Origin's, that game set up Dragon Age 2 for more personal, and frankly, better crafted story. Nods to the original also made parts more interesting for me. So in short, I loved it. I really did.

The most annoying part of this was not being able to use my online pass code, which was stupid, but I'm sure its not the case for everything. But seriously, WTF is the point of those codes? It has to be greed, to discourage from pre-owned sales; WELL IT DOESN'T WORK. EA are the biggest offenders here. Anyway, thats Dragon Age 2; hopefully Crysis 2 next Sunday, otherwise, I don't know. So, see you next time.

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